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Start the New Year with a New approach to birth?

Thinking about birth positively is, for some, a NEW approach to thinking about birth. Many of us will have been surrounded by horror stories, painful and worrying images and notions about how awful birth will be, how it will be the most pain you'll ever experience, and generally, in some ways, the worst experience you'll ever have. I ask myself often...'how does this help a pregnant woman?' And seriously, how does this help? Why do people feel the need to scaremonger birth? Yes, you have a baby in your belly and yes, you'll have to get it out. But, why does it have to be such an awful thing? You're going to meet your baby; this beautiful, special, wonderful, perfect little creation that you've made, nurtured and loved...surely the best way to meet them should be a happy event, not tinged with negativity? When I chose hypnobirthing with Imogen, my first baby, now four years old (and kicking me in the side as I type this!) I wanted to cherish the whole experience, be positive and thankful for her safe and comfortable arrival...for her sake as well as mine.

I went to a hypnobirthing taster. It made so much sense. My 'lightbulb' moment came when I heard an historic story about a doctor who attended a pauper in the slums of London in the early 20th century, and upon offering her drugs to help her cope, her response was 'it's not supposed to painful, is it?'.'s not supposed to be painful. It is a natural, normal process for our bodies to undertake.

Perhaps because we do it so infrequently and it's not a 'normal' action for us to undertake on a regular basis, this is why we put so much effort into fearing it...but what if we harnessed that fear, that energy that it takes to be frightened and to worry, and instead channel it into feeling positive, happy that our baby is coming, and learn how to birth.

The Wise Hippo birthing programme does just that. It takes that fear, accepts it, moves past it and teaches you a new way to think about birth. Birth doesn't have to be IS natural and it is NORMAL, you just need to believe it, which the programme also teaches you. You learn a NEW way to think about birth, together with a bunch of wonderful techniques to train your physical body to know what to do. It will be a very normal, natural process to you come the day and you will KNOW what to do as you bring your beautiful NEW baby into the NEW YEAR, calmly, comfortably and confidently.

Read how other mums, just like you, have already embraced this notion and done the same...all it takes is that first commitment, that first decision, a choice, to do it a different way; it will change your mind; and it will change your life!

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