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Real life hypnobirthing stories

Emma and Stu's story - the first IOW Wise Hippo baby


I went to hospital at 41 weeks for reduced movement. Baby was fine but my blood pressure was high (the midwife was asking about my previous birth which was stressful and upsetting). As this was Sunday night there was a doctor, but no consultant on; who said he was going to break my waters and put me on a drip for 12 hours! Then, I'd be given a section if I hadn't had the baby...everything I hadn’t wanted!


I asked him for alternatives, etc. but he failed to explain until I asked him just how severe my blood pressure was.  Our hypnobirthing really helped us work through options and ensure we felt the choice was right for us.


So, he broke my waters at 10pm and put me on syntocinon. Contractions were irregular. The midwives weren’t happy with baby’s trace-had to have continuous foetal monitoring and drip but could still move around. The lovely registrar turned the drip down and contractions increased and regulated and baby chilled out naturally!


I got to 7cm using my hypnobirthing and with the support of my partner, then I chose to have some gas and air and mobile epidural, as the surges increased when the drip was turned up. All the time limits that were imposed upon me were gradually stretched despite concerns about my blood pressure, heart murmur, caesarean scar and baby. Through three shift changes the team were amazing and must have read and taken on board my birth plan which showed through their actions.


The midwife that birthed my son really championed me and went all out for me. The registrar extended my consultant-imposed hour time limit for active labour after reviewing me, telling me if I didn’t want her to ‘help me out’ with an instrumental delivery I’d better push, in joking with my midwife.  I had timed for the mobile epidural to wear off when I would need to push and the hypnobirthing really helped. I went to my relaxing place when I could feel a sensation coming and would ‘come round’ at the end of it.


Unfortunately breathing the baby out wasn’t working for me so my midwife helped me to push, with my partner counting down from ten for me – which really helped as I could hear the excitement in his voice as baby got closer!


After birth I had instant skin-to-skin with my pink baby, then dad did, then I gave Rufus his first feed and he was a natural!  I had a second degree tear which wasn’t too bad.


The staff afterwards commented on how well I laboured and how contented and calm baby was.


My experience went from something completely unexpected and looking like I could cross off almost everything on my birth plan to the most empowering, wonderful experience ever!


Emma and Stuart attended private classes with Birth Wight in March 2014


Sara-Kate and Tom's story - the first Birth Wight homebirth (and it only took an hour!)


Ava Rose was born at home as planned, at 10.53am on 16 July 2014. 


I had a few Braxton Hicks during the night, but nothing that kept me awake and I woke up feeling well.  I got Jackson (our two year old) off to nursery, while Tom took dog for a walk.  I decided to have a bath at 9.20am and following a chat with Tom, thought we should let the midwife know as I was starting to have regular surges; so left message for her at 9.30am, to which she replied at 9.45am saying she would check in on her way to children's centre.


By 10am I was out of the bath and crawling down the landing, having frequent and powerful surges, but not at all painful. The midwife arrived at 10.15am and I got into the pool about 20 minutes later; I was feeling the urge to push!


My waters went at 10.49am and Ava arrived four minutes later.  I had a physiological third stage, with minimal blood loss, about 15 mins later.  I had no tearing and was able to wee in relative comfort straight afterwards!  


Ava was relaxed, and breastfeeding has been good so far.

My mum was here with us; she said she could not believe how calm and relaxed I was throughout.  With the exception of the last few surges (which I have to say did sting a bit as she crowned!).  Mum said you wouldn't have really known I was in labour!

Everyone has commented on how quick the birth was, only really an hour or so.  And I think most people can't believe how well I was feeling in the hours and days after she arrived.

I had no pain relief other than a brief use of TENS machine and did not find the surges at all unmanageable.  I didn't feel I needed any pain relief until she crowned, when I said I could do with some gas and air, but obviously she came a minute later, so I didn't actually get any. 


I lost focus once when the phone rang and there was a noticeable difference in my experience of the surges.  I was on all fours for most of the active labour and constantly moving my hips with my breath really helped. Prior to this I was in the bath and was completely still.


Despite not finding the practice as easy as with Jackson, probably due to already having a child to run around after, suffering from dreadful morning sickness and general feeling crappy throughout the pregnancy, I used visualisation and breathing to remain in complete control


Sara-Kate and Tom attended group classes with Birth Wight in June 2014


April and Sean's story - the first Birth Wight (unexpected) breech birth!


I discovered Birth Wight by chance on Facebook, I went along to a taster session and knew straight away that hypnobirthing was for me. 


Our first baby was due on the 31 August, and we knew we were having a girl.  On 16 August I had been out for a walk and for lunch with some friends; I had been experiencing what felt like period pains, but I presumed it was baby engaging.


At around 5:40pm I was at home with Sean, who was about to go to work, when my waters broke! Having called the midwife, I decided to have a bath and start my hypnobirthing techniques. It was really important to me that the lighting was very low, so Sean made my bath and 'set the scene' with candles and my Wise Hippo mp3s. 


In the bath I focused on being in my relaxing place and breathed through each surge (contraction); this helped me stay in control and calm the whole time.  I found it really nice during a surge for Sean to pour warm water on my bump.  We timed the surges, as they were coming rapidly, by me placing my hand on the side of the bath to indicate to Sean it had begun so that I didn't have to focus on anything but my breathing.  Sean was amazed at how relaxed my whole body was; he expected me to be squeezing his hand but he could hardly tell when I was having a surge.


The midwife arrived at around 8pm (time went very quick so might not be completely accurate) and soon after I felt a bearing down feeling so agreed to be examined.  The midwife advised that we that we should go to the hospital now - unbeknown to me at this point she had felt a limb, which she believed to be a fist.  I had a strong sensation that my baby was coming at this point.


When we arrived just before 9pm, almost every room in the labour suite was full. I walked in, saying 'hi' to all the midwives and remember one of the midwives being really shocked that this was my first baby and how far into labour I was, considering I was so calm!


Following a further examination, it was agreed that baby was possibly coming out hand first!  Almost immediately after this conversation I informed them I needed to push, which I did, and out popped...A FOOT!! 


At this point lots of other medical professionals entered the room, so I just focussed on breathing and when I felt the urge I pushed, I was also given gas and air at this point, but wasn't really focussed on using it.  The next part is a bit of a blur, I remember being taken to theatre for an emergency C-Section but I was still very determined (and stubborn!!); I was going to push my baby out!  So, with each surge I focused and used all my strength to push.  I remember someone saying to me I had 'one last push' before I would need to be put to sleep; so with that push out came the rest of the body.


The doctors helped baby's head out and Summer Lilly Joan was born at 9:17pm weighing 6lb 2oz, less than 4 hours after my waters broke.  When I was ready I had skin-to-skin contact with baby and gave her a feed. 


I was the talk of the ward! They were all amazed at how well the hypnobirthing worked for me.


Upon reflection I honestly believe if it was not for the hypnobirthing my labour would not have progressed as quickly as it did and I would have used up more energy through the contractions therefore would not have had the strength and energy to push when it was needed and would have ended up having a Caesarean. In my notes it states that I had a breech birth and under 'pain relief' it states I had entonox (gas & air) and 'hypnobirthing'. 


I spent one night in hospital with baby and kept the relaxation music on to help us both relax. We went home the next day and I have been telling my story to anyone that will llsten ever since!


April and Sean attended private classes with Birth Wight in May 2014


Stacey and Anthony's story - the "you can't be as far along as you think you are", slow burn, 'off plan' birth


After many days of false alarms (surges starting then stopping, a show and waters going) we went into hospital and on Saturday afternoon we were given the gel induction, a quick sweep and were told we were 2cm dilated! We then toured the hospital grounds and even used the outdoor gym-(which no one knew existed) to try and get things going!


Surges were on and off throughout the afternoon and by 7pm, were coming every 5 minutes.  We started using our relaxing MP3s and found our happy place. These enabled us to be completely calm and by turning up the volume on the CD player, we also managed to ‘drown out’ the negative sounds coming from the room next door!  Gas and Air later became a good distraction and allowed my body to relax further through the surges.


At around 10.30pm our midwife came in as she was a bit concerned that we were not progressing as quickly as they would like.  As my waters had now been gone for over 36 hours, she asked whether she could quickly monitor the baby for 20mins.


Everything looked good for both Baby and I but the Midwives still had their concerns; being connected to the drip and having an epidural were considered.  Our midwife was fantastic in explaining all this and also referring back to our birth plan.  We then made the decision to take the drip and epidural and plans were made for us to move down to the delivery suite 20 minutes later.


I took a quick toilet break and changed into my ‘birthing clothes’, which is where things sped up...


Whilst on the toilet, I felt a very strong sensation… I wanted to push! Not wanting to birth my baby on the toilet, we very gently moved back into the room where I kneeled up on the bed and rested my head and arms over upright back. The midwife asked to have a quick look; whilst she was very nice and polite, it seemed to us that she didn’t really think we were that far along…she was pleasantly surprised!


I then started to breathe my baby out. All of the uncomfortable sensations I’d been having had gone.  Unfortunately our baby wasn’t quite ready and every time it seemed that she was coming down further, I felt her go back up a slight amount.


Remembering out hypnobirthing techniques, I remained calm and decided that our baby needed a stern talking to, much to the surprise of the midwife! (She commented after that in 18 years of midwifery, she’d never seen a first time mum ‘talk her baby out’).


At 1.50am on the Sunday, baby Edith arrived in one fell swoop and the root of the problem was discovered, she was bringing the umbilical cord with her! The Midwife removed the cord that had gone around baby’s neck and asked if my husband wanted to cut it as soon as it had stopped pulsating- Which was very quick!


My husband announced that we had been blessed with a little boy, to which the midwife replied: ‘Err… no you haven’t!’ Seems my Husband got confused by the Umbilical cord! Baby Edith was placed on my chest and literally crawled her way to my breast! She began feeding straight away and boy was she hungry!


By 2pm we were discharged and our way home. This was much to the satisfaction of Baby Edi, as she did not look impressed when the babies on our ward started crying in unison! If she could talk, I’m sure she would have asked what all the fuss was about!


So all in all, we had a very happy and relaxed labour despite it not following our plans, and we also have one happy, healthy and content baby to show for it!


Stacey and Anthony attended group classes with Birth Wight in August 2014

Sarah and Bod's story - determination and confidence helped them to achieve the birth they'd dreamed of.


I woke in the early hours of Wednesday morning having regular tightenings but as I'd had them so many times previously during the last seven weeks of pregnancy I chose to ignore them. I managed to listen to the ‘relax with nature mp3’ and drifted back to sleep whilst still having tightenings.


During the day on Wednesday the tightenings continued but, as it was the summer holidays I still had my son to entertain for the day (a great distraction)! I built Lego with Marley whilst sitting on my gym ball and listening to my affirmations (which by now Marley was repeating over to himself!), and then we went to see some friend for a relaxing cuppa, all the while joking that we might have to deliver the baby!


At 3pm, with strong (and becoming uncomfortable) pressure around my ribcage and upper abdomen, we walked home and I continued to bounce on the gym ball whilst I phoned my mum, and she joked about knowing a good chimney sweep; we were all fed up with the seven weeks of false starts! 


I got into the bath as my tightenings were much stronger and three minutes apart.  I used my tightenings as practice for my waves of relaxation.  I put on the Cove of Confidence mp3 as I knew I would potentially be facing a battle at the hospital for my chosen birth, as I'd tested positive for Group B Strep and wanted a water birth (the hospital had already stated they weren't keen on it).


Having been into and back out of the hospital, having not begun dilating, by midnight I was experiencing a lot of discomfort and found it hard to lie down to sleep, so I sat in the living room with the lights dimmed and the television on attempting to distract myself from another false start! I was so engrossed in the first episode of Dr.Who that I hadn’t realised by contractions were coming every minute and a half! 


I stood up to go to the toilet and that was when I felt an enormous pressure in my hips and pelvis – I felt that I wanted to be on all fours so went back into the bedroom and woke Bod, he got up and made us both a cup of tea, we spoke for a while about whether or not to call maternity. At 2am.  We arrived back at St.Marys, to be greeted by the same midwife who was adamant that I was not in labour, a couple of hours earlier, and that just by looking at how calm and relaxed I was, she knew she would be sending me home again!

Upon my request, she examined me again and had a look of complete disbelief to discover that I was 5cm dilated and baby was definitely on it’s way!


The labour ward midwife next informed me that it wasn't possible for me to have a water birth, as I'd tested positive for group B strep. This is when I felt The Wise Hippo classes had really helped me maintain my confidence and be clear with the healthcare providers what my wishes were. I told the midwife and consultant that my plans had already been given the go ahead by their colleagues previously, after much debate a few weeks, and I would not be scared into a birth of convenience to them. 

Another midwife stepped up and had some suggestions of how we could work together to arrive at the birth I wanted with the medical support that they could provide to fit. I had an IV line fitted and antibiotics administered, this only took a short while and Bod and I continued to laugh and joke whilst waiting for the pool to be filled.

We were led into the pool room and both of us were so excited walking down the corridor knowing that we were soon going to meet our baby, we couldn’t believe how perfect the room was we put around pictures from Marley and set up the speakers. We listened to some affirmations and I leant on Bod using him for support when I could feel a surge coming, he spoke me through my breathing and cuddled me when one passed.


Once in the pool we put on a playlist for labour and just continued to laugh and chat between surges. Bod was amazing, he was able to read what I needed he stroked my back and cooled me with a cool flannel, he told me how brilliantly I was doing and reminded me that we were going to be meeting our little girl very soon. After a couple of hours I asked Bod to get the midwife as I felt I was ready to push, she was very shocked and said I couldn’t possibly be ready as my waters hadn’t broken and I was still very calm.


I went to the toilet and suddenly my waters broke in the bathroom. The sensations now felt very different and I absolutely felt my body knew what it was doing. I got back in the pool and the staff changed shifts I was pleased to see the midwife who delivered Marley! She had read through my birth plan and was happy to just observe.


I planned to breathe through my surges but began to feel the urgency to push and after 20 minutes I was sure I could feel baby crowning but the midwife told me she could not see baby’s head. She said maybe I should have a jiggle; I did a few jumps up and down whilst Bod joked about the baby falling out! I sat on the birthing stool with Bod supporting me from behind and after fives surges baby was out!


The midwife could see that she had been coming out eyebrow first she said had I not listened to my body and jumped around baby would not have been able to be delivered naturally as she was wedged!

Ellena was beautiful and pink so alert and very quiet. She was handed straight to me whilst we waited for the cord to stop pulsating.  Bod cut the cord and we had a natural third stage. It was so relaxed and laid back the midwives were in no rush to move me along and after only four hours on the labour ward I laid with my brand new baby and fed her.  Bod cuddled her skin to skin and we were left just the three of us feeling on top of the world having had the birth we had dreamed of.   


Sarah and Bod attended group classes with Birth Wight in May 2014


Amy and Daniel's story - 'I delivered her myself!'


I was in town with my husband and family on the Saturday, when I started to feel unwell; not quite myself and I had to keep sitting down, with serious discomfort in my back.  When I arrived home I noticed I had lost some blood, so I went to the hospital to be checked over.


When I got to St Mary's, it was discovered that I was 3cm dilated! The blood and been some of my mucus plug.  I agreed to be placed on the monitor and was told that I was having regular surges, which I couldn't feel, as I was very relaxed.  It was decided that I would stay in as I'd previously had very rapid births.


The surges continued through the night, which I breathed through with ease.  Having been checked every 4 hours, with no progression I decided I would rather wait at home.


On Sunday evening the surges got more intense and I lost some more blood, so the I went back into hospital, only to be told I was still only 3cm.  I felt quite sad, as I was very very tired.  But, my husband stayed positive and helped me through the surges, which really helped.  The midwife explained that because my body was extremely tried, it wasn't ready to progress and to get a good night sleep.  So off home we went, again.  We went back to my mums so we had some peace.


Throughout the night the surges got stronger and stronger so I went downstairs and started my breathing.


Not handling my surges well, I woke my husband up and he joined me downstairs.  It was, by now, 5am on Monday morning.  We put on The Wise Hippo mp3s through my head phones at which point the pain stopped! I was so relaxed, I didn't feel a thing! I naturally got on to all fours and started rocking.


I said to Daniel at 5.45am to ring the hospital. He said to my mum "she's only in slow labour; just ring them to help her feel better".  At 6am they rung the hospital and they said it sounds like slow labour take your time and come in. 10 minutes later I said: "you need to ring an ambulance!".  I felt my body was ready to breathe her out, and everyone started panicking, apart from me who still had my headphones on!


I started taking my knickers off, which freaked my dad out, as he didn't want any stains on his cream carpet! So I was hurried into the car. In the car I had two surges and I phoned the hospital to say that I was going to give birth in the car!  It was 6.25am.


When we arrived, I managed to jump on the wheelchair outside where the midwife was waiting...they ran me to the labour ward, were I jumped up on to the bed stood up, and my waters went.  Then I breathed my baby's head out (I was holding her head the whole time).  When I felt the shoulders coming out, I held on and pulled her out!


I placed her on to the bed and turned around and sat down, and lifted her onto my chest! I still had my headphones on my head! The midwife was stood in shock, as I delivered my own baby! Daniel was stood there crying! 


I waited for the cord to stop pulsing and delivered the placenta naturally, and our baby Ava was born, weighing a beautiful 6lb15oz.  She was fast asleep and so relaxed the midwifes kept checking her!


We went home that day and all I have heard since is how well I look since giving birth! I had so much energy afterwards; I could have done it again the next day!


I couldn't be happier with the best birthing experience!

Amy and Daniel attended group classes with Birth Wight in August 2014

Nicola and John's story - 'everything just fell into place'


I run my own business and had been anxious throughout my pregnancy about what would happen once I became a mother. When we we were 41 +2 and thinking that our little one would never make an appearance, but as usual, I got up on the Tuesday and went into work to finalise paperwork/staff hours. We had an appointment for the Thursday to look at our options for induction, but after a few stressful weeks at work everything seemed to fall into place.


I left the shop feeling calm and confident that everything was in place, in my mind, for our baby to arrive. This was something that had been playing on my mind for a long time.


Around 8pm I started to feel some pressure in my lower back; just some light twinges. I thought 'this could be it' so went to bed to get some rest. I woke around 10.30pm to find the surges stronger and more frequent, so took some paracetamol and tried to get comfortable on all fours, sometimes using the birthing ball for support. By midnight surges we're 10 minutes apart.


We then stuck my TENS machine on my back at 1am and I continued to breathe my way through each surge with the added help of John's soothing strokes to my back.


At 2.30am the surges were 5 minutes apart, lasting approximately a minute so we thought we should give the hospital a call to let them know what was going on. They said to call them back in an hour or so.


I stayed on all fours and carried on breathing through the surges.


At 4.30am we got to hospital, with tens machine. I was examined and was found to be 4cm dilated. We we're very excited! We were actually going to meet our baby soon!


When I was examined at 7.30am; I was 7 cm dilated and given some gas and air; and the birthing pool was available, so the midwife went to start filling it up. I got in the pool just after 8am and instantly felt at ease. It was an amazing, relaxing feeling.


Not long after getting in the pool I felt the need to push. John supported me and gave me encouragement throughout the surges, he was amazing!


Our little one arrived at 9.49am, in the pool and was put skin-to-skin straight away. I looked over a John with a big smile and said 'we did it!'.


We stayed in the pool for about an hour for the delayed cord clamping and natural delivery of the placenta. John cut the cord.


We then got out of the pool and little Elliott went straight into the breast to feed.


We felt amazing and I enjoyed giving birth to our baby boy! It was the most fantastic experience, and I would recommend hypnobirthing to everyone!

Nicola and John attended group classes with Birth Wight in July 2014


Scarlett and Richard's story - the homebirth of their dreams


I heard about hypnobirthing from my cousin and it sounded like something I would be interested in, I was so pleased to find Helen on the IOW and signed up for classes. The theory behind it suddenly seemed really obvious and I was surprised I hadn't thought like it before, I had been so trapped in societies  beliefs surrounding birth without even realising it, the classes all just really made sense.  Before the classes I was really genuinely scared about giving birth as my first experience was extremely traumatic and painful.  I suppose I was dreading it really. 


But, I regularly practiced the affirmations and relaxation MP3s, and I truly believed it was possible for me to have an enjoyable birth.

The evening before, I think we both knew it would be soon and me and my partner (Reg) made love to help soften my cervix and get things moving. I started to feel surges around 1am and was so excited I couldn't sleep so I stayed awake, watched some TV, walked around, did some squats and light exercises.


My son, Luke, left for school and I told him the baby would come today, I thought about 6pm. We went for a walk to Sainsburys and I stopped every so often to lean on my partner, Reg, close my eyes and breathe deeply.


The midwife came at about 10am and I was 3cm dilated, she suggested opening my cervix further but I declined and decided to let my body progress naturally so that I could manage it calmly. The midwife left and said she would come back when we needed her.


Reg started to get the pool ready and my Mum came around, by this time it was feeling pretty intense, each time a surge came I got on my hands and knees and arched my back. I made a low humming sound and visualised my cervix opening wide.


As the surges progressed I needed to go deeper and deeper into myself, using my relaxation techniques, to really stay in the zone, I totally surrendered my body to the process.


The surges were really intense and close together so I made my way to the pool; the soothing feeling from the water was so incredible. Throughout the labour I stayed in a sort of meditative trance, which kept me safe, I had a few moments when I felt a panic rising inside me, fear creeping in, and at this point the pain became searing; I surrendered to my body and allowed the sensations to take me. Relief came when I really gave in to it.


I moved about in the pool, which was just the right depth that I could still go on all fours if I liked; this position particularly helped.


Quickly my surges turned into an involuntary expulsion sensation, each one with more movement towards pushing and the surges got less consuming. I rolled over so that I was sitting/leaning against the side and he started to move out of me. I could feel an enormous push from within and I held myself as I knew he could come out to fast. I felt his head bearing down and I slowed it a bit with my hand to stop myself tearing.


The next push and his head emerged! I guided him out slowly then the midwives held my legs to help the rest of his body emerge. I looked down and fished him out of the water, and Marley let out a huge reassuring scream!

I feel so proud of myself that I have proved with calm consistent practice and belief anything is possible.


The main things I found helped me to have a calm birth, free from painkillers, are;

  • Attending hypnobirthing classes

  • Having encouraging, open minded midwives

  • The right birth partner to support me

  • Feeling safe in my own home

  • The soothing water

  • Reading Ina May Gaskin's guide to childbirth

  • Humming deeply and visualising my cervix opening

  • Being very mindful of relaxing every muscle in my body at all times

  • Resting my tongue behind my teeth and relaxing my jaw and face

  • Breathing deeply at all times

  • Educating myself enough about birth to know what was right for me

  • Doing regular strength training exercise throughout pregnancy

  • Being able to move in ways that my body wanted (this was vital).

I feel so empowered and capable as a woman and I'm so happy I have been able to fulfill my birthing dreams.

Scarlett and Richard attended group classes with Birth Wight in August 2014


Rachel and Rob - from petrified to powerful!


When I met Helen at 20 weeks pregnant, I was so frightened of giving birth.  But, with the confidence we gained from The Wise Hippo birthing programme, we had planned a home, water birth.


My husband Rob went to work at The Pointer Inn where we are Landlord and lady, at 6pm, leaving me for a quiet evening in, with no signs of labour. By the time rob returned from work at 10pm I was having surges every 2-7 minutes that were lasting 30 seconds!

Around 11pm we called the midwife to let her know what was happening, but due to my water not breaking and no show they said it could be Braxton Hicks contractions and that they might last 2-3 days. We were told to call back at 8am unless anything changed.  So I had a hot bath to relax.

Around 1am my waters broke! All of sudden I felt this is happening tonight! I was so excited we were going to meet our little girl! My contractions were now every 2-3 minutes lasting 45-50 seconds.


When Rob called the midwife again, there was only one community midwife available, so we were unable to have our home birth. Rob and I ended up at the hospital at 4am, I had an examination and to my delight I was found to be 8cm dilated! "Your going home with a baby" they said! This was a relief! With this being my first child, I believe the midwives had thought they would be sending me home once we arrived, given how calm and relaxed I was.

Within an hour and a half I had birthed our beautiful baby girl Scarlett Ava.  I totally rocked the birth! My calm and relaxed approached to labour lead to a quick natural, birth using only gas and air.


At every point I felt in control. I could feel exactly where the baby was and I knew exactly what was going on.


The mid wives at the hospital understood we had wanted a home waterbirth, and they moved heaven and earth for us to get in the birth pool at the hospital.


Once Scarlett was here one of the midwives spent an hour with me, helping her latch on for the first time. We thank Helen for making our birth story a positive one! I would, and do, recommend hypnobirthing to everyone who tells me they are pregnant!

Rachel and Rob attended private classes with Birth Wight in October 2014


Hayley and Mark - a festive baby boy


I felt that he was coming during Sunday night but I didn't water to labour during the night. I spent that whole morning asleep, but also listening to the birth affirmations and the other Wise Hippo tracks, on repeat.


My waters broke at midday on Monday but surges didn't start. I phoned Mark, calm and relaxed but excited, and said 'it looks like he is coming!'. So, we went into hospital for monitoring from 3-5 pm. He was okay, so we got home at 5.30pm and a dull ache started in my back at about 6pm. At first I wasn't sure if it was the surges coming; I wanted them to come so badly as I didn't want to have to be induced the next day.


Then they came. They came frequently, but were only short. We had the candles and log burner on, and our Sea of Serenity MP3on repeat; very relaxed and happy at home! Our dogs were good anchors; during the initial stages I spent lots of time stroking them, which was relaxing, just like I imagined during my birth story. Then my parents picked them up so I didn't have to worry about them! Also, we'd just put the Christmas tree up and I found the lights to be very relaxing. I also used the TENS machine, and Mark massaged me using lavender oil. Breathing out and counting down with my surge breaths was also very useful; usually about three deep breaths per surge. Surges became stronger.


We'd packed an electric incense burner that changed colour and some LED candles for hospital, which we'd been using at home, but didn't get time to use them when we got there! I had a hot water bottle and blanket while we were in the car and I listened to my favourite relaxing song that I often used when visualising my birth story; Ludovico Einaudi – Due Tramonti.


We got to hospital at 9.30pm on Monday; fully dilated!


This is when it became very strong and intense. They didn't have time to fill up the pool as the urge to push came and I started humming baby out. After a while this wasn't quite enough and I needed to push with my surges. The surges remained quite short all the way through. I had 30 minutes of pushing; that was the hard bit. Mark was fantastic. I had gas and air for the last bit, but it made me feel sick, so I don't know how much that actually helped.


I tried to smile with each surge and visualise a flower opening.


I was disappointed that I didn't get the water birth, but I also had a temperature so it probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway! Even after his birth, even now the birth affirmations just keep repeating in my mind! Birth was really good!

Hayley and Mark attended group classes with Birth Wight in October 2014


Natalie and Damien - first Skype and last 2014 baby


I had a really good birth experience and I think that the hypnobirthing information, and particularly the breathing and the music, were key to helping me!


I first started to feel something at around 6pm, and we quickly realised that I was starting to have contractions. Although they were close together from the outset, I started breathing calmly as hypnobirthing had taught me. I felt quite a bit of anticipation and was a little apprehensive, this being my first experience of childbirth, but the breathing techniques really kept me calm and ultimately helped me through when things started moving faster!


I went to hospital at about 9pm and once my waters broke was able to labour in the pool, even though I couldn't actually give birth this way due to being on blood thinning medication.


However, I was mentally prepared from my sessions with Helen, and had confidence I would otherwise not have had. I trusted my body to do its 'thing', and listened to the Wise Hippo 'birth affirmations' that my partner Damien played for me during labour. This all made it a really good experience.


Instead of fearing the 'contractions' when they came, I just went with the 'surges' and the birth affirmations really put me 'in the zone', so I felt relatively relaxed and focussed as my labour progressed. 


Our son Jake was born half an hour after I got out, at 3.27am on New Year's Eve. He's been a really good baby - possibly partly as a result of the birth being a pretty calm process!


Another consequence of not having the 'fear' that can be instilled in you from other people's horror stories, was not needing pain relief - something I never would have thought possible a few months ago! 


I would recommend The Wise Hippo birthing techniques to everyone - you can take so much positivity from it. Even having a few short sessions with Helen was enough to change my outlook and approach completely for the better. Thank you Helen!

Natalie and Damien attended fast-track, Skype classes at 37+ weeks in December 2014

following attendance of a Relax, Breathe and Birth workshop

Nat and Damo

Anycia and Richard's story - a BRAINS-y birth

I was in hospital in the maternity ward for some blood tests and routine monitoring of the baby, and I was just about to be sent home at 2.20pm when I felt something strange happen; ither I'd 

involuntarily wet myself or my waters had gone!


The midwife made me hang about and confirmed, to my relief, that it was my waters and that I hadn't suddenly become totally incontinent. 


As part of my birth plan I asked to go home as I planned to stay home as long as possible so at 5pm we went back home.  No sooner had I run myself a warm bath my surges started to become frequent and powerful.  By 7pm I was having surges every 2 minutes.


My affirmations and other mp3s were a real help to get me focused from the start. I especially liked the cove of confidence.  As my surges were strong and frequent we were told to come back to the hospital. 


I must admit after some time the surges were starting to become hard for me to handle, I learned 

later that this was because baby was back to back, which meant I had the sensation in my back as well as my tummy.  I found the discomfort in my back hard to manage as I already have existing 

back problems, however, I coped really well up until about 9pm.  At that point I used by BRAINS technique and decided that I'd like to use some gas and air.


This actually helped me concentrate on my breathing and with my mp3s playing in the background I found myself calm and relaxed and in control


I had originally planned a water birth, however, with baby's position making it more challenging to 

breathe through my surges, I used my BRAINS again and decided to ask for some further relief in the form of diamorphine.  This meant I couldn't birth in the pool.  I was fine with this because I still felt in control and calm about my decision.  I didn't feel disappointed as this was a decision that I made that was right for me at the time.


The medication didn't change the sensation of my surges, but it enabled me to relax a lot better 

between surges.  I was able to handle each surge using all the hypnobirthing techniques I'd learnt and wanted to use.  At one point I asked for a mobile epidural as I was finding it hard to find a comfortable position for my back, however, there was nobody available to administer it; by the time they were available I was already 9cm! I'm glad that I didn't have it because as it turned out I handled it fine and didn't need it.


Luckily my midwife knew my birthing plan and knew that I'd have regretted having it so she put me off until it was too late! A risky little game on her part, some might say, but she knew what I wanted and she made the right choice.  


At this point my two birthing partners (husband and my mum)  were helping me with my 54321 

breathing technique to help me through each surge.  They really kept me on track. 


After an amount of time (we didn't look at the clock) I felt the sensation to push; it was strange because it was like my body just took over and went into auto pilot.  Staying relaxed, I just let my body do what it needed to do.


It didn't take many surges for George to be born. He was born with me on my knees leaning over the back of the bed, which was a very comfortable position for me.  Richard was behind me doing soothing strokes on my back which made me feel really connected to him. 


The midwife was amazed at how there was no screaming in pain! I had no blood loss and no 



My baby was born, and he was so quiet and chilled.  My mum couldn't believe how calm he 

was.  Baby George was born at 4.05 am on Thursay, weighing 7lb 11oz.  After he was born my husband handed him to me and told me we had a son (we'd not found out the sex). 


We waited for the cord to stop pulsating before my husband cut it.  We tried for a natural delivery 

of the placenta but after an hour it didn't come so I decided to have the injection.  We waited for a 

further amount of time and unfortunately it didn't want to come, however, after getting into the 

birthing stool and one big push, the placenta was delivered. 


Giving birth to George was the single most important, amazing and thrilling experience of my life and I can't wait to experience it again.

Anycia and Richard attended private classes with Birth Wight in September 2014

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