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The importance of making time

Something I believe passionately in, is the importance of making time for yourself. As a mother, it's something I simply don't do enough of; much of my time is taken to support others. Now, don't get me wrong, I love that too - I love my kids desperately, my family and my work...but sometimes it is really clear that I need to also love myself! This was startling obvious over the past month.

Throughout January, I found myself in a mix of extreme stress and additional pressure, beyond the norm. As well as working a high-pressure full-time job, raising two children under the age of 5, supporting a husband who commutes to the mainland, balancing pressure on my folks (who do my childcare)...I also had one less team member at work (so extra work) in a very busy period, a taxreturn to complete and major renovations at home...yowsers!

Making time was tough, but necessary...

I don't to feel like a failure, so not meeting a deadline was something that really went against my grain; but my Birth Wight newsletter takes a whole evening to write and create (sometime more depending if the laptop chooses to work or not!). So with carpets to lift, painting to do, furniture to build, teaching to do, overtime at the day-job to do...there just hasn't been enough time. So, I decided to give myself a break!

This week, I've event had two...yes TWO evenings out with my lovely friends, who have listened to my gripes and helped me feel more ME. Back on an even keel again (for now). And I do also have an almost completed, chilled out and pretty new lounge/diner, which doubles as my teaching space, so it means a lot to me.

This all got me thinking about something that we teach during The Wise Hippo birthing programme from class one. We talk about the importnace of practice (without practice, the techniques you learn can be less effective - the importance of practice is helping you to learn how to birth - in the same way a pianist would practice to play a recital). BUT; it's about finding a routine that works for you. Practice does make perfect, but practice, practice, practice all the time and if you're not feeling it or feel pressured to do it; especially when your practice is to RELAX, is not so much relaxing as a chore. You're not superwoman!

So work it into your life. Have a busy week and don't get to practice your birth partner script or your perinial massage or you forget you pelvic floor exercises or you only listen to one what?! Sometimes life just gets in the way. Sometimes you need to take that time out. However, just remember that your fabulous Wise Hippo techniques are EXACTLY the sort of thing that can really help you to chill out, relax and make that much needed time for you.

So sorry for the late newsletter...but I'm not superwoman either and I needed a bit of well deserved time for me!

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