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Christmas cake and birth

So...are you a Kirsty's homemade Christmas type? Do you have a yen for all things Christmas? Have you made your Mary Berry or Delia Christmas cake, pudding or mincement in October? What a lot of preparation you've gone to for just one day; Christmas Day. 25 December. One day. Once a year.

That much preparation, for just ONE day?

I suppose it's actually not one's one day every year really isn't it. So one day that you'll have (hopefully) about 70 shots at throughout your life to get the perfect Christmas; the right Christmas for you and your family.

So how about your birth? A birth will happen in just one day too. But unlike Christmas, you may only get one birth, ever (or perhaps a small handful of births...but); probably not 70 chances to get the right one for you.

When it comes to birth preparation; that ONE day when you meet your baby, and your baby meets you; it happens once. One time only! So why wouldn't you prepare to achieve the right birth for you on the day? It's not Christmas; sure. But do we not look forward to it? Do we not long for it? Do we not get the best gift ever on that day? Yes...yes we do. So we should prepare.

Preparation for birth; it's not like baking a cake (although you are already baking that bun!); the ingredients are already there: baby, check; mummy, check; birthing partner, check; estimated due date, check....


an ounze or two of knowledge

a heap of understanding of the birth process

a sprinkling of breathing a relaxation techniques

a few positive birth films

a handful of affirmations

a pinch of humming

a birth plan or two...(plus much more!)

Then, just a little mixing required. Mixing up your view of birth, to one that helps you to achieve the right birth on the day.

With some practice and preparation, you too can have a Christmas Day of a birth - a once in a lifetime, fantastic day, one that you will look back on again and again with joy...never to be outdone by next year!

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