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Self-worth leads to self-belief and makes you truly believe

When I was learning hypnobirthing with Imogen, I always felt that the most powerful tool I had was my 'Affirmations'. In fact, I make reference to it when I teach too. Of course, I also teach that every pregnancy, every person, is different...but, more often than not, my clients report that they really enjoy the 'Affirmations' mp3 from The Wise Hippo to be fabulous. They're like little mantras. I can; and I will!

It's uplifting, isn't it, to hear that you can do something; and do it well?

I've been thinking about this recently quite a lot. As many of you will know, I've started a new job recently. It's been a big change to our lives. But it was also quite a worry for me.

Now, years ago, before I had Imogen I believed in myself; in my ability to do my job well. Better than well upon occasion. I worked hard and it paid off. I was offered promotions and better opportunities elsewhere. And people told me that I was doing a good job.

But in the middle somewhere, I lost all confidence in my 'day job' abilities. It was a bit like when you start a new job and you feel anxious, nervious, uncomfortable, unsure...but then usually, that feeling passes as you understand the role more, you get to know the people, you better appreciate your role in the wider organisation. That didn't happen to me. I felt quite alone, out-on-a-limb, continually unsure; with little support or bolstering from management. In fact, upon occasion I received negative feedback. Once, I was even told that a senior colleague had questionned my purpose within the organisation! Well, that certainly wasn't the way to make me believe in myself. If I'd have had a test, I feel like I would have failed. Not because I couldn't do the job, but because I didn't believe that I could.

Roll forward to now, and I'm feeling high levels of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-belief. Because of the knocks I've taken though, I have a high sense of humility (just in case!). But, I've had a fair few compliments and encouraging feedback in my role now; and some positive results. I believe that I can because of the support, the positive affirmation, that I've been given by others.

My hypnobirthing CD certainly made me believe I could birth my baby, but so did surrounding myself wih people who also believed that I could. I took the 'haters' and I shut them out. They didn't support my positive outlook to birth my baby calmly and comfortably. I remember vividly, with both of my births, hearing those same affirmations going through my mind: my favourite was "I trust my body and my baby to know what to do".

What will be your fave?

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