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Trust your instincts

This blog was inspired by two things that I experienced today: my son who, this morning, threw his teddy bear at me and a lovely visit with one of our parents-in-waiting this afternoon.

Elliott's throw was a terrible throw (he's not quite 4, so I'll let him off!); it was poorly timed and in the wrong direction entirely.

Then this afternoon, I had the pleasure to see one of our lovely couples, who are patiently, so patiently, awaiting the arrival of their firstborn, at 15 days post EDD (ESTIMATED due date!).

When I used my instinct this morning to catch Elliott's teddy, it was a reflex. My arm shot way out to the side and high to interrupt its trajectory. I couldn't explain how I caught it; I just did. Instinct. I knew it would be off target, because Elliott is always a terrible throw, but I couldn't predict which way it would go until it did. But, I had the ability in myself to catch it; because I just knew, deep down that he couldn't throw straight (in a million years) - and so, I adjusted my stance, and voila!

A simple analogy maybe, but in catching that bear, it made me think of all of our clients and their attuned ability and instinctive knowledge about what it right for them and their baby; either on the day or before (and after once parenting begins).

Which is what brought me to linking the teddy throwing with my lovely couple this afternoon.

At 15 days 'overdue', together with a deep longing to want to meet your baby and a deep desire to achieve a birth free of interventions, you then come up against some decisions to be made. National guidelines and common process, suggest that two weeks past your EDD is 'overdue'. Sometimes this may feel as though you've reached the end of your control and your options seemingly become reduced. You may find that you start to experience some pressure to change your birth plan, or accept unplanned or unwanted interventions. Or do you?

Now, I am not a medical professional, so will never advise what to or not to do - that's not my right or my role!

What YOU 'should' do or what YOU 'need' to do, however, is up to YOU. (No one will ever put themselves or their baby in a position of risk!)

I would, however, advise that any empowered decision you do make is based upon medical fact; the health and well-being of your baby and of mum, and your instinct; what does your gut tell you? Once you have all the FACTS, you can make an informed decision that you are comfortable with. That may be contrary to your original plan, but sometimes, plans do change. Our Wise Hippo programme teaches that sometimes the path to the right birth on the day, may not be the original 'plan'.

We can never know what a birth may bring. NOBODY can know. NOBODY can predict when a labour may begin; medical professional or pregnant mother! But, we can use all the tools available to us in that moment, while listening to what our instinct tells us, to make the right move.

Our birth may come a little off centre; a different trajectory; a different path - but our instinct will see us make the right move, take the right path to intercepting our own journey, and sometime adjusting our approach, to ensure that we have the right birth on the day. TRUST. KNOWLEDGE. EMPOWERMENT.

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