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How is birthing like a stomach bug?

It's probably not the first this you associate with birth, and most of us don't really like to think about a sickness bug at the best of times; myself included. However, last week, it was something that invaded our house, when Imogen and then myself came down with a 24 hour stomach bug.

[TMI alert] But birth can be compared (in some part) to vomiting!

In fact, for those that have attended either our FREE taster sessions or a "Relax, Breathe and Birth" antenatal workshop you will have seen one Wise Hippo mummy talk about how when she described giving birth to someone who hadn't previously had children, it was the only thing she could think to use to explain the phenomenon of the natural expulsive reflex that occurs when birthing your baby.

In the same way that your body works involuntarily to expel the contents of your stomach during a bout of sickness, your birthing muscles have the same reflex to 'expel' your baby from your uterus; the natural expulsive reflex.

Now, I'm going to ask you to think of something somewhat unpleasant now...think about the last time you were sick? Did you go with it an 'allow' yourself the throw up? Or did you try to hold it in, because the sensation isn't wholly pleasant and, to be honest, you'd really rather not be sick? Which was better for you in that moment? Letting go? Or holding it in? Letting it go...right? Out is better.

This is what I found myself thinking while cuddling the toilet bowl last week. If I just give in to the sensation and let it happen, it will be more comfortable, over quicker and generally better for me.

Hmmm...sounds like the best plan for birthing to eh?

And how do you do that? You relax. You trust your body. You let it go.

I'd also add, that however natural that expulsive reflex is when you're being sick; it's nowhere near as efficient or effective as the reflex that occurs when birthing your baby. For me, last week was not very effective; my muscles felt a bit pathetic and, although they got the job done, it was much more effort than it was when I think back to how it felt when I was birthing my baby. When birthing, I knew that what I was getting was a wonderful thing; my babies! My muscles were ferocious and (because I'd practised using my hypnobirthing techniques just how to birth), I could work with my natural expulsive reflex to encourage my baby along much more effectively.

Our bodies are amazing things. We need to learn how to trust them; get our heads out of the way, and go with what our bodies are doing...which is something that The Wise Hippo teaches our clients to do.

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